# Sonota - Flashing Sonoff devices running orig fw with custom fw via OTA # Copyright (C) 2017 Mirko Vogt # # This file is part of Sonota. # # Sonota is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Sonota is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Sonota. If not, see . # using tornado as it has also support for websockets import tornado.ioloop import tornado.web import tornado.httpserver import tornado.websocket import json from datetime import datetime from time import sleep, time from uuid import uuid4 from hashlib import sha256 upgrade_file_user1 = "sonata_tasmota_user1.bin" upgrade_file_user2 = "sonata_tasmota_user2.bin" serving_host = "" class OTAUpdate(tornado.web.StaticFileHandler): # Override tornado.web.StaticHandler to debug-print GET request # FIXME: For some reason that fails horribly! # What did I do wrong trying to override and eventually calling the # original get method?request! def get(self, path, include_body=True): print("~~ HTTP GET") print(">> %s" % path) super(OTAUpdate, self).get(path, include_body) class DispatchDevice(tornado.web.RequestHandler): def post(self): # telling device where to connect to in order to establish a WebSocket # channel # as the initial request goes to port 443 anyway, we will just continue # on this port print("~~ HTTP POST") data = { "error": 0, "reason": "ok", "IP": serving_host, "port": 443 } print(">> %s" % json.dumps(data, indent=4)) self.write(data) self.finish() class WebSocketHandler(tornado.websocket.WebSocketHandler): def open(self, *args): print("~~ WEBSOCKET OPEN") # the device expects the server to generate and consistently provide # an API key which equals the UUID format # it *must not* be the same apikey which the device uses in its requests self.uuid = str(uuid4()) self.setup_completed = False self.test = False self.upgrade = False self.stream.set_nodelay(True) def on_message(self, message): print("~~ WEBSOCKET INPUT") dct = json.loads(message) print("<< %s" % json.dumps(dct, indent=4)) if dct.has_key("action"): print("~~~ device sent action request, " \ "acknowledging / answering...") if dct['action'] == "register": print("~~~~ register") data = { "error": 0, "deviceid": dct['deviceid'], "apikey": self.uuid, "config": { "hb": 1, "hbInterval": 145 } } print(">> %s" % json.dumps(data, indent=4)) self.write_message(data) if dct['action'] == "date": print("~~~~ date") data = { "error": 0, "deviceid": dct['deviceid'], "apikey": self.uuid, "date": datetime.isoformat(datetime.today())[:-3] + 'Z' } print(">> %s" % json.dumps(data, indent=4)) self.write_message(data) if dct['action'] == "query": print("~~~~ query") data = { "error": 0, "deviceid": dct['deviceid'], "apikey": self.uuid, "params":0 } print(">> %s" % json.dumps(data, indent=4)) self.write_message(data) if dct['action'] == "update": print("~~~~ update") data = { "error": 0, "deviceid": dct['deviceid'], "apikey": self.uuid } print(">> %s" % json.dumps(data, indent=4)) self.write_message(data) self.setup_completed = True elif dct.has_key("sequence") and dct.has_key("error"): print("~~~ device acknowledged our action request (seq %s) " \ "with error code %d" % (dct['sequence'], dct['error'])) else: print("### MOEP! Unknown request/answer from device!") if self.setup_completed and not self.test: # switching relais on and off - for fun and profit! data = { "action": "update", "deviceid": dct['deviceid'], "apikey": self.uuid, "userAgent": "app", "sequence": str(int(time() * 1000)), "ts": 0, "params": { "switch": "off" }, "from": "hackepeter" } print(">> %s" % json.dumps(data, indent=4)) self.write_message(data) data = { "action": "update", "deviceid": dct['deviceid'], "apikey": self.uuid, "userAgent": "app", "sequence": str(int(time() * 1000)), "ts": 0, "params": { "switch": "on" }, "from": "hackepeter" } print(">> %s" % json.dumps(data, indent=4)) self.write_message(data) data = { "action": "update", "deviceid": dct['deviceid'], "apikey": self.uuid, "userAgent": "app", "sequence": str(int(time() * 1000)), "ts": 0, "params": { "switch": "off" }, "from": "hackepeter" } print(">> %s" % json.dumps(data, indent=4)) self.write_message(data) data = { "action": "update", "deviceid": dct['deviceid'], "apikey": self.uuid, "userAgent": "app", "sequence": str(int(time() * 1000)), "ts": 0, "params": { "switch": "on" }, "from": "hackepeter" } print(">> %s" % json.dumps(data, indent=4)) self.write_message(data) data = { "action": "update", "deviceid": dct['deviceid'], "apikey": self.uuid, "userAgent": "app", "sequence": str(int(time() * 1000)), "ts": 0, "params": { "switch": "off" }, "from": "hackepeter" } print(">> %s" % json.dumps(data, indent=4)) self.write_message(data) self.test = True if self.setup_completed and self.test and not self.upgrade: fd = open("static/%s" % upgrade_file_user1, "r") hash_user1 = sha256(fd.read()).hexdigest() fd.close() fd = open("static/%s" % upgrade_file_user2, "r") hash_user2 = sha256(fd.read()).hexdigest() fd.close() data = { "action": "upgrade", "deviceid": dct['deviceid'], "apikey": self.uuid, "userAgent": "app", "sequence": str(int(time() * 1000)), "ts": 0, "params": { # the device expects two available images, as the original # firmware splits the flash into two halfs and flashes # the inactive partition (ping-pong). # as we don't know which partition is (in)active, we # provide our custom image as user1 as well as user2. # unfortunately this also means that our firmware image # must noch exceed FLASH_SIZE / 2 - (bootloader - spiffs) # TODO: make sure to always flash to user1 (off 0x1000) # TODO: check whether orig. bootloader can load and boot # code bigger than FLASH_SIZE / 2 - (bootloader - spiffs) "binList": [ { "downloadUrl": "http://%s:8080/ota/%s" % (serving_host, upgrade_file_user1), # the device expects and checks the sha256 hash of # the transmitted file "digest": hash_user1, "name": "user1.bin" }, { "downloadUrl": "http://%s:8080/ota/%s" % (serving_host, upgrade_file_user2), # the device expects and checks the sha256 hash of # the transmitted file "digest": hash_user2, "name": "user2.bin" } ], # if `model` is set to sth. else the websocket gets closed # in the middle of the JSON transmission "model": "ITA-GZ1-GL", # the `version` field doesn't seem to have any effect; # nevertheless set it to a ridiculously high number # to always be newer than the existing firmware "version": "23.42.5" } } print(">> %s" % json.dumps(data, indent=4)) self.write_message(data) self.upgrade = True def on_close(self): print("~~ websocket close") app = tornado.web.Application([ # handling initial dispatch SHTTP POST call to eu-disp.coolkit.cc (r'/dispatch/device', DispatchDevice), # handling actual payload communication on WebSockets (r'/api/ws', WebSocketHandler), # serving upgrade files via HTTP # overriding get method of tornado.web.StaticFileHandler has some weird # side effects - as we don't necessarily need our adjustments use default #(r'/ota/(.*)', OTAUpdate, {'path': "static/"}) (r'/ota/(.*)', tornado.web.StaticFileHandler, {'path': "static/"}) ]) if __name__ == '__main__': # listening on port 8080 for serving upgrade files print("----- This script only works if host 'eu-disp.coolkit.cc' is being " \ "resolved to the machine this script is running on -----") app.listen(8080) app_ssl = tornado.httpserver.HTTPServer(app, ssl_options = { "certfile": "ssl/server.crt", "keyfile": "ssl/server.key", }) # listening on port 443 to catch initial POST request to eu-disp.coolkit.cc app_ssl.listen(443) tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start()Â